UTA’s new RideTime text message service makes it easier than ever to catch the bus. RideTime utilizes real-time data to help you determine bus departure times for more than 6,500 stops throughout UTA’s service district.

Here’s how RideTime works:

Grab a cell phone with text-messaging capabilities.

Find the Stop ID on your bus stop sign. The Stop ID is the six-digit location number usually displayed on one side of the bus stop sign.

Text the Stop ID number to UTA-UTA (882-882) and send.

RideTime will send you a reply with the next three bus stop departure times from that location.

To help celebrate the start of this exciting new program, UTA employees will be giving away UTA water bottles at 7 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday. Giveaway locations will be announced each morning at 6:30 a.m. on Facebook and Twitter.

Please note that the RideTime program is funded in part through an advertising partnership, so you will receive links to ads in your texts.

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