We’ve added a new feature to make Ride Time, UTA’s real-time bus information service, even more convenient. You can now find next bus departure times for a specific route. It’s as easy as sending a text:

Step 1: Find the six-digit stop ID number on your bus stop sign.

Step 2: Text the stop ID number followed by a space and the route number to UTAUTA, or 882882.

Ride Time Route Selection

Ride Time will then send you a reply with the next three bus stop departure times for that bus stop and route.

Ride Time works with any phone authorized to send and receive texts. Ride Time is funded in part by advertisements located at the bottom of the text message reply. Severe weather or traffic problems may affect the accuracy of Ride Time’s predictive departure information. Service provider or data plan limitations may affect your ability to receive Ride Time texts. If you do not receive Ride Time responses, please call customer service at 801-RIDE-UTA.

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