Tell Us How We're Doing
UTA is partnering with the Transport Strategy Centre at Imperial College London to conduct our Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey alongside 26 other transit agencies in North America. Beginning Monday, April 8, through Sunday, May 5, we are surveying UTA riders about availability, accessibility, ease-of-use, reliability, comfort, and safety. The surveys will provide information on how UTA is performing in serving our riders.
There are 4 surveys for Bus, TRAX, FrontRunner, and Paratransit. If you use multiple services, please take the time to complete a survey for each type of service. This increases your odds of winning a $50 gift card for completing multiple surveys. There are four chances to win a gift card for each survey.
Bus SurveyThe American Bus Benchmarking Group (ABBG) provides a forum for mid-sized bus organizations in North America to learn from each other by performance, share experiences, and identify best practices.
![]() FrontRunner SurveyUTA conducts the FrontRunner Survey. This provides UTA with valuable insights into improving our availability, accessibility, ease-of-use, reliability, comfort, and safety. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is UTA doing so many surveys right now?
- UTA asks riders to take surveys and provide comments regularly. We want to ensure we understand our ridership and community priorities so that we're able to be responsive to community perspectives in plans, programs, and decisions at UTA. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate the time you take to provide it.
What is the Customer Satisfaction Survey?
- The Customer Satisfaction Survey helps UTA understand how our riders perceive our availability, accessibility, ease-of-use, reliability, comfort, and safety. We use this data to create our annual strategic goals to improve our Net Promoter Score (referring a family or friend), Perceived Safety Score (how safe do you feel in the system), and Perceived Economic Value (how much money do you save riding transit). The results of the survey are used to continuously improve our system, people, and processes.
How often is the study performed?
- The Customer Satisfaction Survey is conducted annually.
Who is conducting the study?
- UTA is partnering with the Transport Strategy Centre at Imperial College London to conduct our Annual Customer Satisfaction Survey alongside 26 other transit agencies in North America.
When is the survey available?
- April 8-May 5, 2024
How do I take the survey?
- The survey can be completed online at or over the phone at 801-743-3882.
How long will it take to complete the survey?
- The survey can be completed in 5-10 minutes.
Can I participate in more than one survey?
- If you ride bus, TRAX, S-Line, FrontRunner, or Paratransit, we encourage you to fill out a survey for each mode you ride on.
Is the survey available in other languages?
- The survey is available in English and Spanish. Links to Spanish surveys are at
Do you have alternative formats for people with disabilities?
- UTA is offering online, paper, and phone options for the survey. You can visit for online forms, call 801-743-3882 for a phone survey, or call to request a printed survey for you or your caretaker to fill out and mail back to UTA Headquarters, Attn: Tigran Melikyan, 669 W. 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84101.
Will I have access to the final findings?
- The Imperial College will provide a summary report in fall 2024 that will be shared at
Is my data shared with anyone other than UTA?
- No. To ensure the anonymity of survey respondents, personal information will not be included in the final data files.
Who can I contact if I need more information?
- Tigran Melikyan at