This week we're featuring Amber Jensen, our week 2 photo contest winner. 

Amber rides UTA as she travels for work and fun between Daybreak, Salt Lake City, Bountiful and Provo. She said public transit allows her to avoid driving, which she dislikes, and also gives her a fun way to bond with her young nephew. Amber captured the scene above when she realized that she'd missed her correct stop and had to wait for a different train. The photo was taken at Daybreak TRAX Station using a Samsung Galaxy S 6 Edge. 

"In a sense I took this photo to pass the time, but I came to the realization of how I am greatly privileged," Amber said. "The start of a sunset just made the moment even better. Your trains are what makes it possible for thousands of people to make it back and forth from work or wherever else they need to go in a 'greener' way. Sometimes when we miss our stop or you are running behind schedule it's easy to get frustrated and we fail to see how privileged we are. If we take the time to relax and not be in such a rush, there's a lot of beauty that can be taken in and we can feel a sense of peace in our hectic lives."

Thank you for participating in our photo contest, Amber. We appreciate your support and hope you enjoy your UTA messenger bag. 


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